Wednesday, January 13, 2010

"RachelJPhoto" on Facebook | Frequent Fan-er Giveaway !

So... I've been avoiding facebook like the plague. Yeah, yeah, I realize everyone and their mother has a facebook page. I've never been one to conform. Never been one to rush out and by the newest in electronics or gadgets. My philosophy has always been to "let them work out the kinks", lest I be one of a hundred people standing in line somewhere to return something that didn't work, or worse, be stuck out somewhere with something that I need and won't work! Ok, OK, so Facebook isn't really an electronic. But still. I just didn't want to invest time in learning something new - don't get me wrong, I love learning, but didn't see how learning to navigate yet another social site was gonna be productive. But, now, I'm addicted. I joined :|

What does this have to do with you? Well, I'm giving away *** A FREE SESSION to the person that refers the most fans by Monday January 18, 2010**** Tell your friends to send me a note after becoming a fan and let me know who referred them!

I am in there with no spaces "RachelJPhoto" Not sure if I can change that now or not...too scared to find out, I will post a link when I uh...figure out how to do that! {a few minutes later, after help with google...} Got it! My box is on my blog!! Whew! That was a lot of work ;) I may have broken out in a sweat....Somebody, Everybody, Fan me!!

♥ Rachel J.

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